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Faculty & Administrators
The LDRBI is an institution dedicated to supporting your gifts by providing academic, social, and spiritual opportunities in an encouraging, christian environment. Faculty and staff treat you like family while nurturing your interests and intellect.
Dr. Elizabeth English
D.D., M.R.E., Th.B.
Dr. Dennis Thompson
D.D., H.M., B.A.
Dwayne Parker
H.M., Th.B.
Sherry Patterson
H.M., Th.B.
Sean Carter
M.R.E., Th.B.
Dr. Bobby L. Griffin
D.R.E., Th.M., Th.B.
Dr. Cheryl D. Thompson
D.D., H.M., B.A.
Josephine Bowleg
Th.M., Th.B.
Rosa Ramos-Thomas
M.R.E., Th.B.
Esther Carter
Th.M., Th.B.
Essie Day
Th.B., B.A.
Dr. Cheryl Thompson
Winnifred Harrison
Dean's Secretary
Kim Parker
Assistant Administrator
Brianne Solomon
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